PPA is enabled to handle Cape Size vessels of LOA 300 mtrs, Beam 48 mtrs, DWT of 1,18,000 with a maximum draft of 14.5 mtrs
PPA's provisional ID No. for the purpose of GST is - 21AAALP0055A1ZX. The GST will be applicable with effect from 01/07/2017
Simplified process of submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners & Family Pensioners for the Year 2021-22.
All donations towards the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) are notified for 100% deduction from taxable income under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
SPM Terminal - 1
Max.DWT = 3,20,000 MT
Min.DWT = 80,000 MT
1. South Quay to vacant for berthing of vessels of LOA more than 260M at CQ1.
2. EQ-1/IOB to be vacant for berthing of vessels of Beam more than 49M at CB1.
3.EQ-1/2 to be vacant for berthing of vessels of Beam more than 40M at EQ-2/3.
4.Vessels of Beam up to 36M can be handledat any berth in Central Dock(i.e. FB1,FB2,MPB,CQ3 & CQ2) provided the vessel at CQ1 is less than 40M Beam.
5.CQ1 & CQ2 to be vacant for berthing of Vesselsof Beam more than 40M froom CQ3.
6.Either CQ1 or FB1 to be vacant for sailing of Vessels of Beam more than 40M from CQ3.
7.Berthing /Shifting /Sailing of Vessels of Beam more than 40M and Draft more than 12.5M will be carried out in day time during favourable weather conditions.