Accessibility Options in browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer for PC
Open your Internet Explorer Web Browser.
- Select 'Tools' from the menu at the top of your window.
- From the options which appear, select 'Internet options...'.
- Click on the 'General' tab.
- Click on the button marked 'Accessibility'.
- To change your font size, select the checkbox marked 'Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages'.
- To remove background and font colours, select the checkbox marked 'Ignore colours specified on web pages'.
- Click OK (and again if necessary).
- Select 'View' from the menu at the top of your window.
- From the options which appear, select 'Text Size'.
- Select your desired text size.
Making Text larger in Mozilla Firefox 1.5 & 2
Follow these steps to increase or decrease the size of the text for the web page you are viewing:
- Open the 'View' menu with the mouse or by press 'Alt' and 'V' at the same time.
- Select the 'Text Size' option with the mouse or by pressing 'Z'.
- Increase or decrease the text size with the mouse or by using the up and down arrow keys and pressing 'Enter'.
- Alternatively you can press 'Ctrl' and '+' to increase the text size, ' Ctrl ' and ' - ' to decrease the text size. ' Ctrl ' and ' 0 ' returns you to the default 'normal' size.
Follow these steps to set a minimum text size for all pages you visit:
- Open the ' Tools ' menu with the mouse or press ' Alt ' + ' T '.
- Click on ' Options', or press ' O ' , to open the Options dialog box.
- Click the ' Content ' tab or use the arrow keys until it is highlighted (in blue).
- In the Fonts & Colours box click on ' Advanced ' , or press ' Alt ' + 'D' , to open the ' Fonts ' dialog box.see Fig 1 below).
Fig 1
- Click on ' Minimum font size ' box or press 'Alt '+ 'O ' . Use the up and down arrows to select a new font size and press ' Enter' - see Fig 2 below.
- Click ' OK ' button or press ' Enter '.
- Click ' OK ' button or tab to ' OK ' button and press ' Enter '.
Fig 2
Making text larger in Internet Explorer 7
For the first time in Internet Explorer a zoom feature is included which allows you to enlarge the whole browser do this press ' Ctrl ' + ' + ' to increase the zoom and ' Ctrl ' + ' - ' to decrease the zoom.You can also change the text size. The way to do this does depend on how the site has been built.For many sites you only need to do the following:
- Open the ' Page ' menu with the mouse or by pressing ' Alt'+'P '.
- Select the ' Text Size ' option with the mouse or by pressing ' X '. See Fig 1.
- Choose your preferred text size by clicking on it or by using the up and down arrow keys to select it and then press ' Enter '.
Fig 1
The text on the website should now have changed to reflect your choice.However some websites have fixed the size of their text ('hard-coded') and as a result these websites will not show the change you have just made. If you would like to use larger text on these sites follow the following steps:
- Click on the ' Tools ' menu with the mouse or press ' Alt '+' O '.
- Click on ' Internet Options ' option with the mouse or press ' O ' . You should now see the ' Internet Options ' box as shown in Fig 2 below.
Fig 2
- Click on the ' Accessibility ' button which is highlighted with a red circle in Fig 2 with the mouse or press ' Alt '+ ' E '.
Fig 3
- In the Accessibility box click the ' Ignore font sizes specified on web page ' checkbox to add a tick or press ' Alt '+' Z ' as shown in Fig 3.
- Click the ' OK ' button to return to the Internet Options box.
- Click on the ' OK ' button, or press ' Tab ' until ' OK ' is selected and then press ' Enter ' to return to Internet Explorer.
We are committed to ensuring that the website of the Jawaharlal Nehru University for Persons with Disabilities is accessible to all users, irrespective of the device and technology in use or ability. It has been built with an aim to provide maximum accessibility and usability to its visitors. As a result, this website can be viewed from a variety of devices such as Desktop / Laptop computers, web-enabled mobile devices, WAP phones, PDAs, etc.
We have put in our best efforts to ensure that all information on this website is accessible to people with disabilities. For example, a user with visual disability can access this website using assistive technologies, such as screen readers and screen magnifiers.
We also aim to be standards compliant and follow principles of usability and universal design, which should help all visitors of this website. This website is designed using HTML 4.01 Transitional to meet Guidelines for Indian Government Websites and also adheres to level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 laid down by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Part of the information in the website is also made available through links to external Websites. External Websites are maintained by the respective departments who are responsible for making their sites accessible.
Jawaharlal Nehru University for Persons with Disabilities is working towards making its website accessible for persons with disabilities; however, currently Portable Document Format (PDF) files are not fully accessible.
If you have any problem or suggestion regarding the accessibility of this website, please write to us to enable us to respond in a helpful manner. Do let us know the nature of the problem along with your contact information.